Rome’s Ingenious Water Delivery Solutions

Aqua Anio Vetus, the first raised aqueduct assembled in Rome, started providing the men and women living in the hills with water in 273 BC, though they had counted on natural springs up till then. Throughout this time period, there were only 2 other techniques capable of supplying water to higher areas, subterranean wells and cisterns, which gather

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The Beautiful First Wonders by Bernini

The Barcaccia, Bernini's very first fountain, is a striking chef d'oeuvre built at the foot of the Trinita dei Monti in Piaza di Spagna. To this day, this area is flooded with Roman locals and tourists alike who enjoy debate and each other's company. Bernini would without a doubt have been happy to know that people still flock to what has become on

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Archaic Greek Art: Outdoor Statuary

Archaic Greeks were known for developing the first freestanding statuary; up until then, most carvings were constructed out of walls and pillars as reliefs. Younger, ideal male or female (kore) Greeks were the subject matter of most of the statues, or kouros figures. The kouroi, viewed as by the Greeks to represent beauty, had one foot stretched ou

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The Earliest Public Water Features

The water from springs and other sources was initially supplied to the residents of nearby towns and municipalities via water fountains, whose purpose was largely practical, not aesthetic. A source of water higher in elevation than the fountain was required to pressurize the flow and send water spraying from the fountain's spout, a technology witho

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